The Humble Terracotta

18 April 2024
1 min read
Recyclable and eco-friendly terracotta

#NaPoWriMo2022 at #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day6

My grandmother was wise, humble,

Never once have I heard her grumble,

Her terracotta vessels calmed many a hungry rumble,

The local potter made new ones; the old, broken ones into the earth tumble.


Will my grandchildren say the same about me?

The one who gave up terracotta for plastic, convenience supreme,

The one who replaced old ones with more ignoring Earth’s fiery scream.

Would the world say, “She was the monster; wanted only her vanity and esteem.”


I awoke from my nightmare,

Clutching my heart in despair,

I must make amends right away,

I must leave the earth safe for the future heirs. 


Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash

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Ratna Prabha

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