My Happy Place

18 May 2024
1 min read
happy place

I see a mesmerizing sight from my cottage nestled snugly amidst tall, majestic mountains, a steaming mug of perfectly brewed coffee in my hand. Verdant valleys filled with bustling bees hovering over multi-hued flowers greet me cheerfully. People strolling on the long-winding roads that snake through the hills bear happy smiles. The all-pervading tranquillity soothes my soul. “You’ve been bid for, Shakti!” I jerk awake and follow the leering man to the allocated semi-private corner of the common hall used for our auction. 

I hold my head high because my dignity is untouchably safe in my happy place. 

Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

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Ratna Prabha

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