Heaven or Hell?

18 April 2024
1 min read
heaven or hell

#NaPoWriMo2022 at #ArtoonsInn #PoetryParlour #Day5 

Did I want to get what I got?

Did I want to say no to what I didn’t want?

Did I want to say what I said?

Did I want to hear what I heard?

Did I want to touch what embraced me?

Did I want to be where I am?


Yes! Yes! Yes!

My life is mine to own.

To walk, run if I want

To eat, sleep, work if I want

If life came in my way,

I kick it aside, be on my way.

I’d rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.


The diagnosis changed all,

My life was not my own at all,

I was at drugs’ merciless beck and call.

No walk, no run, no sleep, no eat when I want.

Only doctor visits are my wont.

Now, I don’t reign but serve in hell.

And heaven’s doors are closed for me. 

Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash


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Ratna Prabha

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