Already Seen – Blake Pierce – #bookreview

18 April 2024
1 min read
Already Seen - book review

Book Title: Already Seen

Author – Blake Pierce

Laura Frost is the protagonist, an FBI agent prone to receiving “visions” about future events. I liked the premise and fairly racy narrative. Yet perhaps because I’ve seen many FBI-based series, I found all characters a wee bit cliched. It’s a “seen that done that” kind of book with little originality in the ideas. 

In fact, after a point, some of the “visions” became tedious enough for me to want to skip them. But I resisted that urge as I was planning to review the book and I didn’t want to miss out on something important, including quality of writing, maybe a new way of seeing things, etc. But I was disappointed even if the writing itself was okay. 

However, it’s not a total put-off at all. As I said earlier, the racy narrative does get you hooked on a little bit and you are likely to feel drawn to it, at least if you’ve already started it, to know who is the culprit. A good one for travel too. Will I read the second book? Nah!


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Ratna Prabha

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