The Heady Petrichor

18 April 2024
1 min read
Petrichor's heady scent

The sun was pitiless, 

In vengeance, he bore down merciless,

How dare you condition the air, 

A wee bit more of me you cannot bear?


The parched earth cracked up,

Angry at life for soaking every drop of water up,

She begged for mercy from the cruel, yellow master,

I will wither soon, she cried, this will end in disaster.


The rain god looked down with love-laced pity,

He poured down in a sensual tizzy.

When his first drop kissed her dry lips,

She held him in ecstatic, intimate bliss.


In satiated gratitude, she emitted a love scent from her deepest core,

What we call the heady petrichor!

Photo by Anna Atkins on Unsplash

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Ratna Prabha

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