
The Birth of Abhimanyu

11 June 2024
Abhimanyu – Varchas Krishna’s meeting with Chandra, the Moon God went off well. The interaction took place a few years before the
mother and son

With Hopes of Life

22 July 2024
The suffocating sting of smoke and the cacophony of panic-ridden screams jerked Jayanti awake from her tablet-induced slumber. The ferocious thudding of




Simple and Wise

17 February 2024
4 mins read
“C’mon, Archana, the purple salwar suit is lovely. We can decide on that, no?” Arathi chided her identical twin sister. “You know

The Killer

22 March 2023
2 mins read
“You’re weak because you’re smaller than me!” My neighbour shrieked gleefully. He had been gloating ever since the wobble began. Irritating chap!

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